Tiki Tropic Outline
TrueTypeUso personal
- Acentos (parcial)
- Euro
Tiki Tropic Outline.ttf
Nota del autor
TrueTypeFont: Tiki Tropic (Regular, and Outline)
Dennis Ludlow 2015 all rights reserved
Sharkshock Productions
Aloha sun worshippers! Whether Hawaii is your idea of paradise, exotic Thailand, or beautiful Costa Rica we have a typeface that wants to take you there. This irregular display font is
sure to make the others look pale by comparison. Think "fun in the sun", island drinks, and sandy beaches the next time you'd like to inject a splash of the tropics. Tiki Tropic is loaded
with graphics like jumping dolphins, palm trees, and Tiki masks to quickly add some visuals to a text document. You can also quickly convert to vector outlines in Illustrator. Basic latin,
numbers, punctuation, European accents, and kerning are all included.
This font like my others are free for personal use only as long as this readme file stays intact. For commercial use please contact me at dennis@sharkshock.net to discuss an end user
license agreement. You can also visit www.sharkshock.net/license for more info. I also design custom fonts for businesses, logos, and many other things. If you'd like to leave me a
PayPal donation you can use my email address above. Your generosity will be most appreciated!
visit www.sharkshock.net for more and take a bite out of BORING design!
Dennis Ludlow 2015 all rights reserved
Sharkshock Productions
Aloha sun worshippers! Whether Hawaii is your idea of paradise, exotic Thailand, or beautiful Costa Rica we have a typeface that wants to take you there. This irregular display font is
sure to make the others look pale by comparison. Think "fun in the sun", island drinks, and sandy beaches the next time you'd like to inject a splash of the tropics. Tiki Tropic is loaded
with graphics like jumping dolphins, palm trees, and Tiki masks to quickly add some visuals to a text document. You can also quickly convert to vector outlines in Illustrator. Basic latin,
numbers, punctuation, European accents, and kerning are all included.
This font like my others are free for personal use only as long as this readme file stays intact. For commercial use please contact me at dennis@sharkshock.net to discuss an end user
license agreement. You can also visit www.sharkshock.net/license for more info. I also design custom fonts for businesses, logos, and many other things. If you'd like to leave me a
PayPal donation you can use my email address above. Your generosity will be most appreciated!
visit www.sharkshock.net for more and take a bite out of BORING design!
Mapa de caracteres
Por favor, usa el menú desplegable para ver los diferentes mapas de caracteres que contiene esta fuente.
Información básica de fuentes
Familia de fuentes
Tiki Tropic Outline
Subfamilia de fuentes
Identificación de subfamilia única
Tiki Tropic Outline:Version 1.00
Nombre completo de fuente
Tiki Tropic Outline
Versión de la tabla de nombres
Version 1.00 October 22, 2015, initial release
Nombre de fuente PostScript
This font was created using FontCreator 9.0 from High-Logic.com
Please visit www.sharkshock.net/license for info on licensing or email me at dennis@sharkshock.net.
URL de la licencia
Subfamilia preferida
Información completa de la fuente
Información completa de la fuente
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 y la semántica en adelante, unicode BMP sólo
MicrosoftSólo unicode BMP
Detalles de fuente
Conteo de Glifos197
Unidades por Em2048
Derechos de incrustaciónIncrustación para la instalación permanente
Clase de familiaSin clasificación
AnchoMediana (normal)
Estilo MacNegrita
DirecciónSólo glifos muy de izquierda a derecha
Naturaleza del patrónEsbozo
PitchNo monoespaciado
El paquete completo contiene 3 los pesos de fuentes enlistados abajo:
Tiki Tropic Outline.ttf
Tiki Tropic Bold.ttf
Tiki Tropic.ttf
Tiki Tropic Bold.ttf
Tiki Tropic.ttf
Tiki Tropic Bold
TrueTypeUso personal
Tiki Tropic
TrueTypeUso personal