- Euro
Nota del autor
Spiderfingers Font by Chad Savage
Created 2009, hand-lettered just after Halloween.
This is a free font, and I mean FREE. Use it however you want, for whatever you want. If you make something cool with it, I'd love to see it - email me at savage@sinistervisions.com and tell me about it. If you offer it for download on your own font site, PLEASE include this Read Me. That's not too much to ask, is it?
This font is intended for specialty and graphic uses. It will look just awful if used in a paragraph format.
For more free fonts and other downloadable goodies, visit http://www.sinisterfonts.com
FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO INSTALL/USE THIS FONT, visit http://www.sinisterfonts.com, or just look it up on Google. Seriously. Don't email me and ask - this information is easily found with a 20-second search.
Created 2009, hand-lettered just after Halloween.
This is a free font, and I mean FREE. Use it however you want, for whatever you want. If you make something cool with it, I'd love to see it - email me at savage@sinistervisions.com and tell me about it. If you offer it for download on your own font site, PLEASE include this Read Me. That's not too much to ask, is it?
This font is intended for specialty and graphic uses. It will look just awful if used in a paragraph format.
For more free fonts and other downloadable goodies, visit http://www.sinisterfonts.com
FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO INSTALL/USE THIS FONT, visit http://www.sinisterfonts.com, or just look it up on Google. Seriously. Don't email me and ask - this information is easily found with a 20-second search.
Mapa de caracteres
Por favor, usa el menú desplegable para ver los diferentes mapas de caracteres que contiene esta fuente.

Información básica de fuentes
Aviso de derechos de autor
Typeface © Sinister Visions inc. 2009. All Rights Reserved
Familia de fuentes
Subfamilia de fuentes
Identificación de subfamilia única
Spiderfingers:Version 1.00
Nombre completo de fuente
Versión de la tabla de nombres
Version 1.00 November 29, 2009, initial release
Nombre de fuente PostScript
Información completa de la fuente
Información completa de la fuente
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 y la semántica en adelante, unicode BMP sólo
MicrosoftSólo unicode BMP
Detalles de fuente
Conteo de Glifos156
Unidades por Em2048
Derechos de incrustaciónIncrustación para edición permitida
Clase de familiaSerifas forma libre
Estilo MacNegrita
DirecciónSólo glifos muy de izquierda a derecha
Naturaleza del patrónOrdinario
PitchNo monoespaciado