Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time familia consiste en 5 fuentes
Once upon a time.ttf
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Nota del autor

"Once Upon a Time" is a captivating script font that evokes a sense of whimsy and nostalgia. Its playful, hand-drawn aesthetic is defined by the organic, uneven strokes and stylized lettering that give the font a delightfully imperfect charm. The varied line widths and slight irregularities in the letterforms add depth and character, creating an impression of handcrafted elegance.

This font's versatility shines through in its ability to lend a touch of enchantment to a wide range of design applications, from storybook covers and wedding invitations to rustic labels and vintage-inspired branding. Its unique personality can transform ordinary text into a visually engaging and memorable experience, making it an exceptional choice for designers seeking to infuse their projects with a touch of timeless allure.

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to raise my creativity

twitter: @funrecord

Mapa de caracteres

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Información básica de fuentes

Familia de fuentes
Once Upon a Time
Subfamilia de fuentes
Identificación de subfamilia única
Once Upon a Time:Version 1.00
Nombre completo de fuente
Once Upon a Time
Versión de la tabla de nombres
Version 1.00 February 23, 2012, initial release
Nombre de fuente PostScript
This font was created using FontCreator 5.5 from High-Logic.com

Información completa de la fuente

Información completa de la fuente

MicrosoftSólo unicode BMP

Detalles de fuente

Conteo de Glifos53
Unidades por Em2048
Derechos de incrustaciónIncrustación para edición permitida
Clase de familiaManuscritos
Estilo MacNegrita
DirecciónSólo glifos muy de izquierda a derecha
Naturaleza del patrónOrdinario
PitchNo monoespaciado
El paquete completo contiene 5 los pesos de fuentes enlistados abajo:
Once upon a time.ttf
Once upon a time-Italic.otf
Once upon a time-Bold.otf
Once Upon a Time-Inverse.otf
Once upon a time-Bold-Italic.otf
Once Upon a Time Italic Sitio web OpenTypeDonationware
Once upon a time-Italic.otf
Once Upon a Time Bold Sitio web OpenTypeDonationware
Once upon a time-Bold.otf
Once Upon a Time-Inverse Sitio web OpenTypeDonationware
Once Upon a Time-Inverse.otf
Once upon a time-Bold-Italic.otf