Frankenfont Regular

  • Acentos (parcial)
  • Acentos (completo)

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Información básica de fuentes

Aviso de derechos de autor
Digitized data copyright (C) 1992-1997 The Monotype Corporation. All rights reserved. Century™ is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Familia de fuentes
Subfamilia de fuentes
Identificación de subfamilia única
Agfa Monotype Corporation:Frankenfont Regular
Nombre completo de fuente
Frankenfont Regular
Versión de la tabla de nombres
Nombre de fuente PostScript
Aviso de marca
Century™ is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Another member of the Century family which was based on Century Expanded. Designed to fulfill the need for a solid, legible face for printing schoolbooks. It is wider and heavier than Century Expanded, there is also less contrast between thick and thin strokes. First cut by Monotype in 1934 and based on versions from ATF and Lanston Monotype. The sturdy nature of this typeface, coupled with its inherent legibility, has made it a popular choice for setting books, newspapers and magazines.

This version of Century has been adjusted for use in Asian typography.

Información completa de la fuente

Información completa de la fuente

MicrosoftSólo unicode BMP

Detalles de fuente

Conteo de Glifos308
Unidades por Em2048
Derechos de incrustaciónIncrustación para la instalación permanente
Clase de familiaSin clasificación
PesoMedia (normal)
AnchoMediana (normal)
Estilo MacNegrita
DirecciónSólo glifos muy de izquierda a derecha + contiene los neutrales
Naturaleza del patrónOrdinario