dearJoe 7 TRIAL


Nota del autor

The dearJoe series of fonts came to life around the year 1999, when I created dearJoe 1, which was a first (and half-assed) attempt to convert my own handwriting into a working font. Being able to type in my own hand had always been a childhood fantasy, and even though I only partly understood the software, a working font was generated and I decided to put it on the internet for people to use in their own personal projects.

Which they did: at this moment the dearJoe 1 font has been downloaded millions of times and can be found on Vietnamese riksjas, Tasmanian gyms and chocolate stores on 5th Avenue for instance.

The font is not something I am particularly proud of, but it started me of in building what's now the JOEBOB graphics foundry.

Inbetween creating other fonts, the dearJoe series has become a theme I revisit every once in a while, trying to create an update on how my handwriting has evolved, along with my abilities in creating fonts that mimic actual handwriting. In the last decade or so I started implementing ligatures and alternate characters, which helped a lot in coming to a result that can almost pass for actual handwriting.

The 2019 dearJoe 7 font is the latest addition to this font family.

All characters in the complete font were scanned from handwritten notes, cherrypicking the characters and letter-combinations I liked best. They were written with a Lamy M66 B pen and only minor adjustments were made to the original scans, leaving most little flaws and rough edges as they were for a convincing ball-point on paper result.

The font comes with over 150 ligatures, making sure the font has a variated and credible overall look and feel.
You can download a TRIAL version of the font here on Dafont. Please note that it comes without the ligatures and it is not printable. For a complete, working version please go to

Mapa de caracteres

Por favor, usa el menú desplegable para ver los diferentes mapas de caracteres que contiene esta fuente.
Latín básico - Mapa de caracteres

Información básica de fuentes

Familia de fuentes
dearJoe 7 TRIAL
Subfamilia de fuentes
Identificación de subfamilia única
Nombre completo de fuente
dearJoe 7 TRIAL
Nombre de fuente PostScript

Información completa de la fuente

Información completa de la fuente

MicrosoftSólo unicode BMP
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 y la semántica en adelante, unicode BMP sólo

Detalles de fuente

Conteo de Glifos68
Unidades por Em1000
Derechos de incrustaciónIncrustación restringida (¡no permitido!)
Clase de familiaManuscritos
AnchoMediana (normal)
Estilo MacNegrita
DirecciónSólo glifos muy de izquierda a derecha + contiene los neutrales
Naturaleza del patrónCursiva
PitchNo monoespaciado