Bamboy Trial Condensed
OpenTypeUso personal
- Acentos (parcial)
- Euro
Nota del autor
Bamboy Condensed font by Eko Bimantara is a bold, groovy, display typeface with smooth, rounded corners. Its casual and friendly look draws inspiration from 70s retro style and pop culture visuals. A quirky spirit combined with fun letter shapes makes it apt for use in easy-going everyday designs that require a happy-go-lucky vibe.
This free display font is recommended for logos, packaging designs, t-shirt prints, titles and headlines in books or magazines. You can also apply it to posters and flyers for events such as music concerts or kids’ activities; restaurant menus; webpage graphics; social media posts etc.
By using this font, you agree to the following terms:
This font is strictly for personal use only. Commercial use is not permitted.
Additionally, non-commercial use for large-scale audiences is not allowed.
To purchase a commercial license, please visit:
Feel free to explore our other fonts at:
If you have any questions, email us at
Thank you
This free display font is recommended for logos, packaging designs, t-shirt prints, titles and headlines in books or magazines. You can also apply it to posters and flyers for events such as music concerts or kids’ activities; restaurant menus; webpage graphics; social media posts etc.
By using this font, you agree to the following terms:
This font is strictly for personal use only. Commercial use is not permitted.
Additionally, non-commercial use for large-scale audiences is not allowed.
To purchase a commercial license, please visit:
Feel free to explore our other fonts at:
If you have any questions, email us at
Thank you
Mapa de caracteres
Por favor, usa el menú desplegable para ver los diferentes mapas de caracteres que contiene esta fuente.
Información básica de fuentes
Aviso de derechos de autor
Copyright (c) 2024 by Eko Bimantara. All rights reserved.
Familia de fuentes
Bamboy Cond
Subfamilia de fuentes
Identificación de subfamilia única
Version 1.000;;BamboyTrial-Condensed;2024;FL842
Nombre completo de fuente
Bamboy Trial Condensed
Versión de la tabla de nombres
Version 1.000
Nombre de fuente PostScript
Aviso de marca
Bamboy is a trademark of Eko Bimantara
Información completa de la fuente
Información completa de la fuente
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 y la semántica en adelante, unicode BMP sólo
MicrosoftSólo unicode BMP
Detalles de fuente
Conteo de Glifos203
Unidades por Em1000
Derechos de incrustaciónIncrustación para previsualización e impresión permitida
Clase de familiaSin clasificación
DirecciónSólo glifos muy de izquierda a derecha + contiene los neutrales
Naturaleza del patrónOrdinario
El paquete completo contiene 3 los pesos de fuentes enlistados abajo:
Bamboy Trial Expanded
OpenTypeUso personal
Bamboy Trial Regular
OpenTypeUso personal